
TDINK > Miss Alek Wek Looks to The Future
Macworld SF 2005
ski MT

cover image by Michael Thompson for Jedroot


Alek wek 1933
The Legacy Continues...

Her look was so unique it defied the western notion of the "ideal image" of beauty. Since then, Alek has graced numerous runways around the globe and appeared in fashion magazines. In 2002, Alek continued her legacy of success with the launch of her one-of a-kind hand bag line, Wek 1933 Ltd .

Bring a wet fashion appetite and enjoy the bursting flavors of TDink's good ol' New Year Fashion Meal, at no expense to you!
For all you TDink Techie's : Check out the latest gadgets and gizmos.

Travel to the Big Sky Ski Resort for diverse terrain and no crowds. Experience the finest cuisine in SF, LA and NYC. TDink went on location to scout out the hottest places for you city slickers.


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